
CurrentĀ UK Nitrides Consortium members are listed below. Follow the linkĀ for further details, including contact information, location, interests and facilities.

Any questions, please contact the webmaster at p.shields (at)

OrganisationDepartmentAuthorised Contact First NameAuthorised Contact Last Name
Aixtron Ltd Andrew Pakes
Cardiff University Dept of Physics and Astronomy David Wallis
Kubos Semiconductors Ltd Caroline O'Brien
Loughborough Surface Analysis Mike Petty
MOCVD Solutions Ltd Laurence Considine
Newcastle University School of Maths, Stats & Physics Angela Dyson
Swansea University Yaonan Hou
Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork Peter Parbrook
University of Bristol Department of Physics Martin Kuball
University of Cambridge Dept. of Materials Science and Metallurgy Rachel Oliver
University of Glasgow School of Engineering Edward Wasige
University of Manchester School of Physics and Astronomy David Binks
University of Nottingham School of Physics Sergei Novikov
University of Sheffield Dept of Electronic & Electrical Engineering Jon Heffernan
University of Strathclyde Institute of Photonics Johannes Herrnsdorf
University of Strathclyde Department of Physics Robert Martin
University of Surrey Nianhua Peng